Who we are
We are a naively convinced trio that wants to change the world. We are sure that a WEconomy is possible and ask ourselves how we get from knowledge to action. There are already many concepts and a lot of expertise for a new economic world. Now it is important to let as many people as possible participate and take the first steps. We would like to contribute to this. We would like to support all initiatives that point in the direction of a just economic system.
Kerstin Seeger studied political science and psychology, is a freelance change manager ("wirKSam verändern") and is active in projects on eco-social change. She is on the board of the Nuremberg sustainability initiative Bluepingu e.V. and a member of the co-leading committee of Transition Germany. At the Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences, she has held a teaching position for Urban Gardening since 2018 and also designs the course "Sustainable Studying".
Frank Braun is a FAIRchangemaker with heart, head and hand. He is a co-founder of the Nuremberg sustainability initiative Bluepingu e.V. and has worked as a One World Promoter for Central and Upper Franconia West. For many years, he has been concerned with the question of how we can effectively implement solution strategies for a sustainable society, and wants to contribute to making eco-social change a tangible part of our everyday lives. He is the author of the book "Laudato Si - Changing the World Together", was a lecturer for sustainable business management at the Technical University of Nuremberg before leaving for Peru, and has been working for years in the innermost committee of the international Transition Town movement. He works independently as a change designer and editor (https://Fairbinden.eu ) around issues of sustainable development and systemic change.
© WIR wie WIRtschaft