Economic impetus in 2024
In 2024, we will continue our series of seminars under the title "WIRtschafts-Impulse". In the online workshops, we want to shed light on exciting topics, tools and systemic approaches that promote the WE in business. WIRtschafts-Impulse is aimed at anyone who wants to help shape change in the world of work. 90 minutes via Zoom. The topics Balance between structure and creative chaos // Let’s talk about money // Appreciative feedback // Making decisions – appreciatively and effectively // Burning without burning out *** 25 . J A N U A R - VALUABLE FEEDBACK ***16:00 – 17:30 A healthy feedback culture is the key to a learning organization that wants to recognize mistakes early on and draw the right keys from them. How can this be done? What ingredients are needed for appreciative cooperation in a performance-oriented world? *** 2 0 . F E B R U A R -