We cook
together for a

You would like to promote justice and sustainability in your everyday work and don't know exactly how? Are you an employee of a company and would like to help shape the future? We invite you to contribute to our cookbook, or to become a test-eater – for an economy where no one gets denied a seat at the table.

You want to change something? Here you can find inspiration. We are collecting recipies and storries to imitate for everybody. ENGLISH WEBSITE IN PROGRESS… Not everything is translated yet, but we are on it! :-)


Recipes for a

Here you will find recipes to try aspects of a different economy.
There is something for every taste:

For a WEconomy
where real
values grow:
satisfaction and justice…
the WE.

You would like to promote justice and sustainability in your everyday work and don't know exactly how? Are you an employee of a company and would like to help shape the future? Do you manage a company or a department and have a desire for change? But how?

In response to this question, the idea has arisen to write a jointly designed cookbook in which we collect the many small and large recipes that already exist, as well as create and try out new variations. Maybe you already have an idea? Because just like really good food, WIRtschaften also needs many people to ensure that the quality is right from the field to the plate.

Are you with us? Our table has enough seats for everyone.
Create the cookbook together with us!



Economic impetus in 2024

In 2024, we will continue our series of seminars under the title "WIRtschafts-Impulse". In the online workshops, we want to shed light on exciting topics, tools and systemic approaches that can make the

>> read more

"Will companies across Europe soon have to ensure that human rights violations and environmental destruction do not occur in their supply chains?" asks the Supply Chain Act initiative on the occasion of the vote in the European Parliament on this issue. The European initiative makes it clear: The draft law for a German supply chain law is insufficient!


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