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Electricity, but sexy! - Provider change


* Green electricity provider for the company site
* Consent of decision maker:in

The extraction of fossil fuels needed for conventional energy production is harmful to the climate, limited, dangerous and costs living space. Coal, oil, gas and uranium are therefore not sustainable resources for power supply.
You know all that??? Then quickly change your electricity provider, if you haven't already done so 🙂 It's quick (depending on the size of your company, of course), depending on the provider, you will also be supported in the change and you will contribute a part to the energy transition. This is how it works:

1. find a suitable electricity provider at and find out from the green electricity provider about tariffs and what steps are necessary to switch.

2. if necessary, approach the decision-makers with an initial cost estimate, a rough implementation plan and the pro-arguments.

3. change electricity supplier and...

4. ...let's celebrate! 🙂

Have fun cooking!

Anyone who has tried or modified the recipe, feel free to comment!

This recipe is from Pia & Janina from sneep e.V. - student network for ethics in economics and practice

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